2595 Cordes Dr. Sugar Land, Texas
(281) 980 - 3030 | houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com
check($_POST[‘txtSecCode’]) == false)
//$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Incorrect security code.”;
if (!isset($_POST[‘txtFirstName’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtFirstName’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtLastName’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtLastName’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPFirstName’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPFirstName’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPLastName’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPLastName’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtAge’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtAge’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEmail’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEmail’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPhone2’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone2’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPhone3’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone3’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘cboPhoneType’]) || strlen($_POST[‘cboPhoneType’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtAddress1’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtAddress1’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtCity’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtCity’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘cboState’]) || strlen($_POST[‘cboState’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtZip’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtZip’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEPhone2’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone2’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEPhone3’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone3’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘rdIsReturning’]) || strlen($_POST[‘rdIsReturning’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘cboUniform’]) || strlen($_POST[‘cboUniform’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘rdMAExp’]) || strlen($_POST[‘rdMAExp’]) == 0)
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Not all required fields were filled in. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.”;
if (!preg_match(‘/^[_A-z0-9-]+((\.|\+)[_A-z0-9-]+)*@[A-z0-9-]+(\.[A-z0-9-]+)*(\.[A-z]{2,4})$/’, $_POST[‘txtEmail’]))
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Invalid email address.”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtPhone2’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtPhone3’]) ||
strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtPhone2']) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtPhone3']) < 4)
$errMsg = $errMsg . "
Invalid phone number.”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtZip’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtZip’]) < 5)
$errMsg = $errMsg . "
Invalid zip code”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtEPhone2’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtEPhone3’]) ||
strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtEPhone2']) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtEPhone3']) < 4)
$errMsg = $errMsg . "
Invalid emergency contact phone number.”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtAge’]))
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Invalid age.”;
if ((int)$_POST[‘txtAge’] < 6)
$errMsg = $errMsg . "
Students must be at least 7 years old (or should turn 7 before the end of the year) to participate in the Aikdio for Kids program.”;
if (strlen($errMsg) == 0)
$phone = $_POST[‘txtPhone1’] . $_POST[‘txtPhone2’] . $_POST[‘txtPhone3’];
$ePhone = $_POST[‘txtEPhone1’] . $_POST[‘txtEPhone2’] . $_POST[‘txtEPhone3’];
$result = $dbAccess->RegisterKidsProgram($_POST[‘txtFirstName’], $_POST[‘txtLastName’], $_POST[‘txtPFirstName’], $_POST[‘txtPLastName’], $_POST[‘txtAge’], $_POST[‘txtEmail’], $phone, $_POST[‘cboPhoneType’], $_POST[‘txtAddress1’], $_POST[‘txtAddress2’], $_POST[‘txtCity’], $_POST[‘cboState’], $_POST[‘txtZip’], $_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’], $ePhone, $_POST[‘rdMAExp’], $_POST[‘txtMAExp’], $_POST[‘txtReferred’]);
if (!$result)
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
There was an error receiving your registration information. Please try again, or send an email to houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com.”;
$to = $_POST[‘txtEmail’];
$subject = “Registration Confirmation for Houston Ki Aikido for Kids Program”;
$message = “
“;Thank you for registering for the Fall Semester of our 2012-2013 Aikido for Kids Program. A copy of your registration information is included below. Note that your registration is not complete until payment confirmation is received. If you submitted your payment online through PayPal, you will receive a second email with payment confirmation.
$message = $message . “Classes will begin on Saturday, September 22 at the Safety America Karate school located at “;
$message = $message . “2595 Cordes Dr. Sugar Land, Texas. Directions and a map can be found at http://www.houstonkiaikido.org/location/ “;
$message = $message . “If you have any questions, you can email us at houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com.
$message = $message . “Registration Information:
$message = $message . “Student’s Name: ” . $_POST[‘txtFirstName’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtLastName’] . “
$message = $message . “Parent’s Name: ” . $_POST[‘txtPFirstName’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtPLastName’] . “
$message = $message . “Student’s Age: ” . $_POST[‘txtAge’] . “
$message = $message . “Email: ” . $_POST[‘txtEmail’] . “
$message = $message . $_POST[‘cboPhoneType’] . ” Phone Number: ” . $phone . “
$message = $message . “Address: ” . $_POST[‘txtAddress1’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtAddress2’] . “, ” . $_POST[‘txtCity’] . “, ” . $_POST[‘cboState’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtZip’] . “
$message = $message . “Emergency Contact: ” . $_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’] . ” – ” . $ePhone . “
if ($_POST[‘rdIsReturning’] == 1)
$message = $message . “New/Returning: Returning student
$message = $message . “New/Returning: New student
$message = $message . “Uniform Required: ” . $_POST[‘cboUniform’] . “
$message = $message . “Prior martial arts experience: “;
if ($_POST[‘rdMAExp’] == 1)
$message = $message . “Yes”;
$message = $message . “No”;
$message = $message . “, ” . $_POST[‘txtMAExp’] . “
$message = $message . “Referred By: ” . $_POST[‘txtReferred’] . “
$message = $message . ““;
$message = stripslashes($message);
$headers = “From: Houston Ki Aikido
$headers = $headers . “\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1”;
$mail_sent = @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
$showForm = 1;
Registration is now open for the Fall Semester of our 2012 – 2013 Aikido for Kids program, which begins on Saturday, September 22, 2012.
Classes are held on Saturday mornings between September and December (Fall Semester) and January and May (Spring Semester):
Little Samurai
(White & Yellow Belts)
8:15 AM – 9:05 AM
Junior Samurai
(Orange Belt & Above)
9:10 AM – 10:00 AM
More information on the Aikido for Kids program can be found here.
Registration is open for children between the ages of 7 and 13. Enrollment is limited to 25 students, so please register early. You can submit your registration and payment online for the Fall Semester using the Online Registration form below.
If you have any questions, you can email us at houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com, call us at (281) 980 – 3030, or visit us during one of our class times.
New Students: $165 – Includes Fall Semester enrollment, one-time registration fee, and a Safety America training uniform. |
Returning Students: $140 – Includes Fall Semester enrollment only. $165 – Includes Fall Semester enrollment and a Safety America training uniform. |
Registration for the Fall semester is closed. To register for the Spring semester, click here.