2595 Cordes Dr. Sugar Land, Texas
(281) 980 - 3030 | houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com

Six-Week Introductory Course Starts September 10

Six-Week Introductory Course Starts September 10
02 Aug

check($_POST[‘txtSecCode’]) == false)
//$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Incorrect security code.”;

if (!isset($_POST[‘txtFirstName’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtFirstName’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtLastName’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtLastName’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEmail’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEmail’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPhone2’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone2’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPhone3’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone3’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘cboPhoneType’]) || strlen($_POST[‘cboPhoneType’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtAddress1’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtAddress1’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtCity’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtCity’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘cboState’]) || strlen($_POST[‘cboState’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtZip’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtZip’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEPhone2’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone2’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEPhone3’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone3’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘rdMAExp’]) || strlen($_POST[‘rdMAExp’]) == 0)
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Not all required fields were filled in. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.”;
if (!preg_match(‘/^[_A-z0-9-]+((\.|\+)[_A-z0-9-]+)*@[A-z0-9-]+(\.[A-z0-9-]+)*(\.[A-z]{2,4})$/’, $_POST[‘txtEmail’]))
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Invalid email address.”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtPhone2’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtPhone3’]) ||
strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtPhone2']) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtPhone3']) < 4) { $errMsg = $errMsg . "
Invalid phone number.”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtZip’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtZip’]) < 5) { $errMsg = $errMsg . "
Invalid zip code”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtEPhone2’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtEPhone3’]) ||
strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtEPhone2']) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtEPhone3']) < 4) { $errMsg = $errMsg . "
Invalid emergency contact phone number.”;

if (strlen($errMsg) == 0)
$customTag = “Intro Course Fall 2012”;
$phone = $_POST[‘txtPhone1’] . $_POST[‘txtPhone2’] . $_POST[‘txtPhone3’];
$ePhone = $_POST[‘txtEPhone1’] . $_POST[‘txtEPhone2’] . $_POST[‘txtEPhone3’];

$result = $dbAccess->RegisterIntroCourse($_POST[‘txtFirstName’], $_POST[‘txtLastName’], $_POST[‘txtEmail’], $phone, $_POST[‘cboPhoneType’], $_POST[‘txtAddress1’], $_POST[‘txtAddress2’], $_POST[‘txtCity’], $_POST[‘cboState’], $_POST[‘txtZip’], $_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’], $ePhone, $_POST[‘rdMAExp’], $_POST[‘txtMAExp’], $_POST[‘txtWhyAikido’], $_POST[‘txtReferred’], $customTag);

if (!$result)
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
There was an error receiving your registration information. Please try again, or send an email to houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com.”;
$to = $_POST[‘txtEmail’];
$subject = “Registration Confirmation for Houston Ki Aikido Introductory Course”;

$message = ““;
$message = $message . “

Thank you for registering for our Six Week Introductory Aikido Course. A copy of your registration information is included below. Note that your registration is not complete until payment confirmation is received. If you submitted your payment online through PayPal, you will receive a second email with payment confirmation.

$message = $message . “Classes will begin on Monday, September 10, 2012 at 8:00 PM at the Safety America Karate school located at “;
$message = $message . “2595 Cordes Dr. Sugar Land, Texas. Directions and a map can be found at http://www.houstonkiaikido.org/location/ “;
$message = $message . “If you have any questions, you can email us at houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com.


$message = $message . “Registration Information:

$message = $message . “Name: ” . $_POST[‘txtFirstName’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtLastName’] . “
$message = $message . “Email: ” . $_POST[‘txtEmail’] . “
$message = $message . $_POST[‘cboPhoneType’] . ” Phone Number: ” . $phone . “
$message = $message . “Address: ” . $_POST[‘txtAddress1’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtAddress2’] . “, ” . $_POST[‘txtCity’] . “, ” . $_POST[‘cboState’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtZip’] . “
$message = $message . “Emergency Contact: ” . $_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’] . ” – ” . $ePhone . “
$message = $message . “Prior martial arts experience: “;
if ($_POST[‘rdMAExp’] == 1)
$message = $message . “Yes”;
$message = $message . “No”;
$message = $message . “, ” . $_POST[‘txtMAExp’] . “
$message = $message . “Learning Aikido: ” . $_POST[‘txtWhyAikido’] . “
$message = $message . “Referred By: ” . $_POST[‘txtReferred’] . “

$message = $message . ““;
$message = stripslashes($message);

$headers = “From: Houston Ki Aikido \r\nReply-To: houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com\r\nBcc: mail@houstonkiaikido.org”;
$headers = $headers . “\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1”;
$mail_sent = @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);


Please wait while we transfer you to PayPal…

$showForm = 1;

There was an error with your registration form. See below:

Registration is now open for our Fall Introductory Course for Adults and Teenagers, beginning on Monday, September 10, 2012.

This six week program is designed to give new students an introductory primer course in Ki Aikido. The curriculum will cover a variety of topics, including mind & body coordination exercises, single and multiple person self-defense techniques, and defense from weapons (such as wooden sticks, swords, and knives).

Course Schedule

The intro course classes will be held every Monday and Thursday evening from 8:00 PM – 9:15 PM, beginning Monday, September 10th and ending on Thursday, October 18th.

Training Week Lesson/Defense from…
#1 : Sept 10 & 13 Single hand grab
#2 : Sept 17 & 20 Head strikes/swings
#3: Sept 24 & 27 Mind & Body Exercises
#4: Oct 1 & 4 Weapons Attacks
#5: Oct 8 & 11 Attacks from behind
#6: Oct 15 & 18 Multiple-attacker situations

Register Now

The fee for the entire course is $99. Submit your registration and payment online using the Online Registration form below.

If you have any questions, you can email us at houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com, call us at (281) 980 – 3030, or visit us during one of our class times.


Frequently Asked Questions


Online Registration

Registration for this course is closed. To register for regular classes at Houston Ki Aikido, click here.