2595 Cordes Dr. Sugar Land, Texas
(281) 980 - 3030 | houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com

Summer of Weapons

03 Jun

Incorrect security code.”;
//if ($securimage->check($_POST[‘txtSecCode’]) == false)
//$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Incorrect security code.”;

if (!isset($_POST[‘txtFirstName’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtFirstName’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtLastName’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtLastName’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEmail’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEmail’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPhone2’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone2’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtPhone3’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone3’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘cboPhoneType’]) || strlen($_POST[‘cboPhoneType’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtAddress1’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtAddress1’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtCity’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtCity’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘cboState’]) || strlen($_POST[‘cboState’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtZip’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtZip’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEPhone2’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone2’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘txtEPhone3’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone3’]) == 0 ||
!isset($_POST[‘rdMAExp’]) || strlen($_POST[‘rdMAExp’]) == 0)
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Not all required fields were filled in. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.”;
if (!preg_match(‘/^[_A-z0-9-]+((\.|\+)[_A-z0-9-]+)*@[A-z0-9-]+(\.[A-z0-9-]+)*(\.[A-z]{2,4})$/’, $_POST[‘txtEmail’]))
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
Invalid email address.”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtPhone2’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtPhone3’]) ||
strlen($_POST[‘txtPhone1’]) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtPhone2']) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtPhone3']) < 4) { $errMsg = $errMsg . "
Invalid phone number.”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtZip’]) || strlen($_POST[‘txtZip’]) < 5) { $errMsg = $errMsg . "
Invalid zip code”;
if (!is_numeric($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtEPhone2’]) || !is_numeric($_POST[‘txtEPhone3’]) ||
strlen($_POST[‘txtEPhone1’]) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtEPhone2']) < 3 || strlen($_POST['txtEPhone3']) < 4) { $errMsg = $errMsg . "
Invalid emergency contact phone number.”;

if (strlen($errMsg) == 0)
$customTag = “Summer of Weapons”;
$phone = $_POST[‘txtPhone1’] . $_POST[‘txtPhone2’] . $_POST[‘txtPhone3’];
$ePhone = $_POST[‘txtEPhone1’] . $_POST[‘txtEPhone2’] . $_POST[‘txtEPhone3’];

$result = $dbAccess->RegisterIntroCourse($_POST[‘txtFirstName’], $_POST[‘txtLastName’], $_POST[‘txtEmail’], $phone, $_POST[‘cboPhoneType’], $_POST[‘txtAddress1’], $_POST[‘txtAddress2’], $_POST[‘txtCity’], $_POST[‘cboState’], $_POST[‘txtZip’], $_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’], $ePhone, $_POST[‘rdMAExp’], $_POST[‘txtMAExp’], $_POST[‘txtWhyAikido’], $_POST[‘txtReferred’], $customTag);

if (!$result)
$errMsg = $errMsg . “
There was an error receiving your registration information. Please try again, or send an email to houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com.”;
$to = $_POST[‘txtEmail’];
$subject = “Registration Confirmation for Houston Ki-Aikido: Weeks o’ Weapons”;

$message = ““;
$message = $message . “

Thank you for registering for our special summer weapons series: Weeks o’ Weapons. A copy of your registration information is included below. Note that your registration is not complete until payment confirmation is received. If you submitted your payment online through PayPal, you will receive an email from PayPal with payment confirmation.

$message = $message . “The course will begin on Monday, June 22, 2015 at 8:00 PM at the Safety America Karate school located at “;
$message = $message . “2595 Cordes Dr. Sugar Land, Texas. Directions and a map can be found at http://www.houstonkiaikido.org/location/ “;
$message = $message . “If you have any questions, you can email us at houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com.


$message = $message . “Registration Information:

$message = $message . “Name: ” . $_POST[‘txtFirstName’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtLastName’] . “
$message = $message . “Email: ” . $_POST[‘txtEmail’] . “
$message = $message . $_POST[‘cboPhoneType’] . ” Phone Number: ” . $phone . “
$message = $message . “Address: ” . $_POST[‘txtAddress1’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtAddress2’] . “, ” . $_POST[‘txtCity’] . “, ” . $_POST[‘cboState’] . ” ” . $_POST[‘txtZip’] . “
$message = $message . “Emergency Contact: ” . $_POST[‘txtEmergencyContact’] . ” – ” . $ePhone . “
$message = $message . “Prior martial arts experience: “;
if ($_POST[‘rdMAExp’] == 1)
$message = $message . “Yes”;
$message = $message . “No”;
$message = $message . “, ” . $_POST[‘txtMAExp’] . “
$message = $message . “Learning Aikido: ” . $_POST[‘txtWhyAikido’] . “
$message = $message . “Referred By: ” . $_POST[‘txtReferred’] . “

$message = $message . ““;
$message = stripslashes($message);

$headers = “From: Houston Ki Aikido \r\nReply-To: houstonkiaikido@yahoo.com\r\nBcc: mail@houstonkiaikido.org”;
$headers = $headers . “\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1”;
$mail_sent = @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);


Please wait while we transfer you to PayPal…

$showForm = 1;

There was an error with your registration form. See below:

Houston Ki-Aikido will be holding a summer of weapons series,
“Weeks o’ Weapons: Powerful and Advanced Weapons Defense, the Aikido Way.”

This is a special six week intensive training course running from
Monday, June 22nd through Saturday, August 1st.
Classes are held during our normal schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 8:00 – 9:15 PM
Saturday mornings from 9:30 – 11:00 AM

In this series, you will:
* Practice mindful defense and strategy from armed attackers
* Learn now to handle, defend, and disarm attackers in a conflict resolving manner
* Improve your hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and agility
* Learn to adapt to and avoid potentially dangerous situations

Classes will focus on advanced weapons defense, taught in a principle-based manner:
* Skill development using bokken (wooden sword) and jo (wooden staff)
* Aikido weapons defense techniques
* Individual weapons kata and forms
* Paired attack and defense weapon exercises

Register now by filling out the form below and join us for our summer of weapons! Only $129 for the entire course, including a free tanto (wooden practice knife)!
(Note: Our three month registration promotion also covers this special series.)


Registration for this course is now closed.

Register for Weeks o’ Weapons

Fill out the form below to register and pay for our special Weeks o’ Weapons course. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. After submitting the form, you will receive an automated email from Houston Ki Aikido confirming your registration information.

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Email Address:
*Phone Number:


*Phone Number Type:

*Home Address:

*Emergency Contact Name:
*Emergency Phone Number:


*Prior martial arts experience?

/> Yes /> No

If yes, describe:

Why are you interested in learning Aikido?

How did you hear about our course?

*Security Code:
“; echo cptch_display_captcha_custom(); } ?>

Click the Check out with PayPal button below to proceed with your registration.